Icons & text

  • ACCA; CA

    This course is designed specifically for accounting students working on their professional accounting qualification. I work mainly with ACCA and CA students

  • How will it help?

    Most of your studying is on your own, just you and your brain. This means that whatever's going on in your head WILL impact your studying and exams. This will help decrease anxiety, increase study session effectiveness and improve exam performance

  • One-on-One Sessions

    This includes two one-on-one online sessions with me to help you address specific issues you may face.

Course curriculum

  • 1


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    Mindset - Introduction

    • Introduction to Mindsets

    • Stretch vs Safe?

    • Why does it matter for you?

    • What are the different Mindsets?

    • Smooth vs Struggling Learning Journeys

    • Our 'label' stays with us WAY after school

    • Beliefs about Competency

  • 4

    Why is this relevant for you?

  • 5

    Mindset and Studies

    • Mindset: How does this impact our studying?

    • Where does your 'mindset' come from?

    • Our mindset impacts our emotional resilience. We struggle with 'struggling'

    • Self-Reflection: Mindset (First impressions)

    • How has a Growth Mindset affect MY life?

    • More detail about Fixed vs Growth Mindsets

    • Fixed vs Growth: Beliefs and their Impact

    • How does your Mindset affect your studies?

    • Common Myths about Mindset

    • Basic example of a Mindset difference and the impact (My personal experience)

    • Summary: Common Myths about Mindset

    • Self-Reflection Questions

    • Can you change your mindset?

    • Self-Reflection: Mindset

    • How can this improve your next study session?

  • 6

    Have you been taught NOT to think?

  • 7

    Personality and Studies

    • Does your personality affect your studying?

    • Does YOUR personality style match your studying?

    • Introvert vs Extrovert - My experience

    • Do we think of 'How?' or 'Why?'

    • We want knowledge first!

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    Perfectionism and Studies

    • Surely perfectionists make the best students?!

    • A quick glimpse at perfectionism

    • How does this affect your studying?

    • Perfectionists and Deadlines

    • Perfectionists and Procrastination

    • Perfectionists and 'Trying'

    • Perfectionists and Criticism

    • Perfectionism and Focus

    • Perfectionism and 'enough'

    • Excellentist

    • Imposter Syndrome

    • Self-Reflection: Perfectionism

    • How can you improve your next study session?

  • 9

    Your Brain and Studies

    • You vs Your Brain

    • Do you believe that struggling equals failing?

    • Does the stuff you struggle with feel like this?

    • Sitting in Uncertainty - Dealing with The Chair!

    • Expectation Gap when we study

    • What happens when we're stressed...

    • We're very focussed on being 'right'

    • Habits: The Iceberg

    • Habits - Highways vs Jungles

    • The 4 Stages of Learning

    • Do you LIKE what you study?

    • Confidence - What we think it is

    • Confidence - What it REALLY is!

    • Confidence - What Mel Robbins says about it

    • "I feel stupid"

    • My 'stupid' journey - My personal experience with feeling stupid

    • 10 Reasons why we feel stupid

    • Before we look at the impact on our studying...

    • How 'feeling stupid' can impact our studying

    • What I want you to know about 'feeling stupid'!

  • 10

    When you're struggling...

    • Smooth vs Washing Machine Learning Journeys Part 1

    • Smooth vs Washing Machine Learning Journeys Part 2

    • Smooth vs Washing Machine Learning Journeys Part 3

  • 11

    Your Emotions and Your Studying

    • Let's talk about anxiety and stress

    • Perfectionism & Anxiety

    • Fixed Mindset & Anxiety

    • How it impacts our emotions

    • How it impacts our studying

    • The inner struggle

    • How do we see the 'study struggle'?

  • 12

    Why do we avoid questions? How can we change this?

    • Why do we struggle to do questions?

    • How SHOULD I see doing questions?

    • WHAT to change about your thinking

    • HOW to change the way you see this

  • 13

    Tools to develop a Growth Mindset

    • Talk to Your Brain

    • Think THIS, not THAT

    • Think this, not that - My Experience

    • Tripwires

    • Tripwires Worksheet

    • How to reframe your feelings about doing questions - Task 1

    • How to reframe your feelings about uncertain situations - Task 2

    • Reframing - "I don't have time for this"

    • Dealing with the Overwhelm

    • Calm Down - Why is it important?

    • Calm Down - The Amygdala Hijack

    • Calm Down - Filters

    • Calm Down - Your Triggers?

    • Calm Down - Breathing

    • Calm Down - What's the challenge?

    • Calm Down - How to practice this


  • Who will this course benefit?

    This will help: Students at all levels in their accounting studies (the higher the levels you're studying, the more relevant you may find this) - Parents of accounting students who are trying to understand how to best support them and are concerned about their performance - Students who are planning to move to the next level in their accounting studies and are worried because they hear how tough it is and how other students are struggling

  • What accounting qualification is this course for?

    I help students and candidates studying towards ALL accounting qualifications, across the world. I work with CPA, ACCA, CA(SA), CIMA candidates, and more.

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